The Water Zone Ag Podcast Now on iTunes; and tune in for a New Episode on Improving Agriculture Irrigation Performance

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The Water Zone Ag Podcast Now Available on iTunes

Great news for Water Zone fans–The Water Zone Ag Podcast is now available on iTunes!  All previous Ag episodes of The Water Zone are currently live on iTunes and download-ready.  Now you can listen whenever you want, wherever you want.  Subscribe today, and get the latest episodes automatically delivered straight to your mobile device.

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Tonight on The Water Zone: Improving On-Farm, Ag Irrigation System Performance

Today at 6p.m. PST on The Water Zone Radio Show, tune in for an extra special Ag episode hosted by agricultural irrigation veterans, Inge Bisconer and Paul McFadden.

The Water Zone Ag PodcastThis week’s Water Zone Ag show will feature Dan Johnson, State Water Management Engineer with the USDA/NRCS and Jim Anshutz, Founder of AG/H20, to discuss the surprising ways that government and industry are promoting–and incentivizing–improvements to on-farm, ag irrigation system performance.

Subscribe to the podcast: via The Water Zone Ag Podcast on iTunes
Subscribe to the podcast: via The Water Zone Ag Podcast on Google Play
Listen on-air: NBC News Radio KCAA 1050 AM | KCAA 106.5 FM

The Water Zone Ag Podcast explores water issues in agriculture and farming from various perspectives to advance the water conversation and build awareness.

The Water Zone Ag Podcast
Learn about water in agriculture from The Toro Company’s agricultural irrigation veterans Inge Bisconer and Paul McFadden. The Water Zone Ag Podcast explores water issues in agriculture and farming from various perspectives to advance the water conversation and build awareness.

Each month, Inge and Paul discuss irrigated agriculture, best practices and solutions to water scarcity and water quality. Hear from featured guests and notable water experts who will offer insights into the complexities of water management.  Urban, rural and environmental interests alike will gain awareness of the water challenges facing farmers.

In the face of population growth, environmental demands, climate change, drought, floods and more, the role of water in modern agriculture and society is more vital now than ever before.

The show can be heard every Thursday at 6 p.m. PDT on NBC News Radio KCAA 1050 AM, KCAA 106.5 FM, or listen anytime via The Water Zone Ag Podcast, now available on iTunes and Google Play.