2015 Irrigation Efficiency Program

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In 2014, Staples Energy’s Low-Pressure Irrigation Efficiency Program successfully saved over 3800 kW of energy and gave growers over $1.2 million in incentive savings. Now, Staples is continuing the incentives through 2015 with a new 2015 Irrigation Efficiency Program.

NEW 2015 Irrigation Efficiency Program
The Staples Irrigation Efficiency program will provide incentives to any irrigation design which can demonstrate energy/water savings. The program will offer almost unlimited possibilities for submitting savings for rebates instead of only two “deemed” projects with set values for incentives.

Projects can use a combination of energy and water savings to calculate the kWh savings for projects. This allows flexibility for incentivising all types of real-world, energy-efficient irrigation projects. As long as a project can be calculated to show a savings, it can be submitted to the Staples program.


  • $.23/kWh of savings
  • In some cases, this may mean a larger incentive that the 2014 program allowed.

Staples is in the process of modifying their Snapshot tool to continue to make the submission process paperless and as easy as possible. Some additional documentation and follow-up may be required for submission including a water meter, pre- and post-DU and pressure and estimated water use. Projects are contingent on providing documentation as needed and additional time for review.

Staples will continue to provide updates as the Snapshot tool and project requirements are finalized. For more information, visit staplesenergy.com and call Staples with any program questions or to discuss any projects you have that may qualify.