Planting Seeds to Create Change – Growing a Healthy Future

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At Toro, our commitment to education, enrichment and the enjoyment of outdoor landscapes runs deep.  With that in mind,  Toro has partnered with Gardens to Grow In to help students throughout the Calaveras School District learn about drip irrigation.

Drip Irrigation Education and the Future of Farming

Gardens to Grow In is an organization dedicated to promoting and supporting healthy and sustainable lifestyles, youth development, community involvement and self-reliance in Calaveras County schools and communities by teaching children and adults how to grow and prepare healthy food.

Gardens to Grow In: Drip Irrigation and Future of Farming

Gardens to Grow In: Drip Irrigation important for Sustainable Agriculture and the Future of Farming

Gardens to Grow In: Students learn about Drip Irrigation and Future of Farming

Gardens to Grow In has developed and/or supported garden and nutrition programs at all nine Calaveras Unified School District (CUSD) schools over the last three years.  Gardens to Grow in works with children from Calaveras pre-schools, schools and youth organizations to utilize these gardens as outdoor learning labs.  Master Garden and community volunteers, teachers, parents and high school students participate and use the gardens for hands-on instruction in sustainable garden practices and environmental and nutrition education.

Drip Irrigation key to Sustainable Agriculture and a healthy Future of Farming

Students learn about Drip Irrigation to help build a brighter Future of Farming

The future of farming is sustainable with drip irrigation


Together with Gardens To Grow In, Toro has been actively involved with teaching students how to properly install and use the irrigation materials.  These projects have become the centerpiece of each of these schools and have brought together countless community members to make them happen. Thanks in part to Toro’s efforts, the Gardens to Grow In program was able to expand their high school farm to develop a training ground for FFA members and other students who are interested in careers in agriculture.

The dedicated team at Gardens to Grow In recently shared the following note with Toro:

As we look to the future of California agriculture it is essential that we are training and inspiring our young people to be the next generation of farmers and to understand the essential role agriculture plays in our world.

Your donations of drip irrigation materials and supplies has allowed us to develop sustainable garden projects at six elementary schools, a middle school and a high school over the last six years. The high quality and professional irrigation systems we have been able to install in these gardens, farm and landscapes using Toro materials has become the trademark of our projects and has enabled us to create low maintenance and sustainable outdoor learning labs at these sites for hundreds of children and families.

Drip Irrigation Essential to the Future of Farming

You can find more information about Gardens to Grow In, and their projects and goals, on their website: