Category: Drip Irrigation News

Subsurface Drip Irrigation System

8 Questions when Installing a Subsurface Drip Irrigation System

Throughout the past few years, drip and subsurface drip irrigation (SDI) have emerged as new opportunities for alfalfa growers looking to conserve water and other resources.

The idea of greater water use efficiency (WUE) and resource use efficiency (RUE) is enticing growers who are on the fence about converting fields, while the expectation of achieving greater yields, a proven benefit of a drip and subsurface drip irrigation system, is pushing them over.

A good engineer will ask the proper questions to ensure the best system is recommended and installed for each unique operation, but it’s equally important growers ask questions about the system as it relates to the current field and future operation plans.

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WGA Tech Center

New Western Growers Center for Innovation and Technology connects Growers with Solutions

“In an era of diminishing natural and human resources and growing regulatory and marketplace demands, the future of agriculture depends on technology,” says Tom Nassif, president and chief executive officer for Western Growers Association (WGA), which is working to connect high technology and the soil through a facility based in America’s salad bowl.

The new Western Growers Center for Innovation and Technology (WGCIT), which opened late last year at Salinas, Calif., is a technology incubator aimed at bringing innovative entrepreneurs together with farmers to facilitate creative solutions to the biggest challenges facing agriculture.

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Toro Celebrates World Water Day

The Toro Company Recognizes World Water Day with Efforts to Promote Water Efficiency

Today is United Nations World Water Day 2016, promoting awareness of serious regional water shortages around the world and the search for solutions to the critical threats these scarce water supplies pose to humanity. The Toro Company is a worldwide leader in the development of innovative water-preservation technologies for turf and agricultural irrigation applications. In recognition of the company’s commitment to driving water sustainability, Toro was invited to the nation’s capital today to participate in the White House Water Summit.

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Design for Uniformity with Toro's AquaFlow Drip Irrigation Design Software

WEBINAR ALERT: Designing for Uniformity with Toro’s AquaFlow Drip Irrigation Design Software

Learn the ins and outs of Toro’s AquaFlow Drip Irrigation Design Software from the woman who created it! You won’t want to miss out.

Tune in to learn how to size and select laterals, submains and mainlines to economically achieve high emission uniformity, even in multi-slope, challenging terrain or large block sizes.

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substrates for greenhouses

The Ins and Outs of Substrates for Greenhouses

A large part of today’s high-tech cultivation of food crops takes place in substrates such as stonewool and coco slabs. The use of substrates is also intensifying in less capital-intensive production systems. That’s not surprising, because crops can produce more, in a sustainable manner, in a rooting medium in which conditions can be effectively controlled.

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Drip Irrigation System Operation and Maintenance

WEBINAR: Drip Irrigation System Operation and Maintenance

Drip irrigation technology provides tremendous benefits if the system is operated and maintained properly. Tune in to this Friday’s webinar about drip irrigation system operation and maintenance for helpful hints on how to use Toro Micro-Irrigation’s Owner’s Manual to establish baseline readings, monitor system parameters, schedule irrigations and perform system maintenance.

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