Tag: agricultural workshop

Learn Drip Irrigation Strategies at Drip Irrigation Workshop

Learn Drip Irrigation Strategies at June 3 Workshop

Brookdale Fruit Farm in Hollis, N.H., is the site of a June 3 workshop on drip irrigation strategies and options vegetable and fruit growers should be considering for the growing season.

We will be presenting a hands-on demonstration on setting up a drip irrigation system, starting from the pond to the field, describing the various components of the drip irrigation system.

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Free Agricultural Workshop to Highlight Drip Irrigation on Onions & Watermelons

South Texas farmers, crop consultants, technicians and anybody involved in crop irrigation are invited to a workshop to help brainstorm ideas on how to generate incentives for water conservation, according to experts at the Texas A&M AgriLife Research and Extension Center at Weslaco.

The free program, Rio Grande Valley Agricultural Conservation Workshop, will be held from 8 a.m.-3 p.m. Wednesday at the center, located at 2415 E. U.S. Highway 83 in Weslaco.

Among things discussed will be a test plot of drip irrigation on onions and watermelons in which water use was cut in half and yields were double. According to Dr. Juan Anciso, a Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Service fruit and vegetable specialist at the Weslaco center, “using a [drip irrigation] system can pay off for growers.”

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