Tag: agriculture irrigation

Toro Ag Irrigation Show 2017 - Ag Drip Irrigation

Toro Ag Irrigation Show 2017 – FlowControl Drip Irrigation, Greenhouse Irrigation, Permanent Crop, Evolution AG and more!

Join us NEXT WEEK in Orlando, Florida for the complete Toro Ag Irrigation Show 2017 experience!  Be sure to stop by booth #901 on Wednesday, November 8 and Thursday, November 9, to check out our newest products and discover the right drip irrigation solution for you.

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Ag Irrigation, Secretary Karen Ross

New Episode of The Water Zone Ag Podcast: Ag Irrigation in Post-Drought California

This Thursday, June 1st, at 6p.m. PST on The Water Zone Radio Show, tune in for an extra special Ag episode hosted by ag irrigation veterans, Inge Bisconer and Paul McFadden.

On this week’s episode of The Water Zone Ag, Inge and Paul host Secretary Karen Ross, Secretary of the California Department of Food and Agriculture. They’ll explore water-use in post-drought California, and what ag irrigation in California looks like going forward.

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The Water Zone Ag Podcast

The Water Zone Ag Podcast Now on iTunes; and tune in for a New Episode on Improving Agriculture Irrigation Performance

Now you can listen and subscribe to The Water Zone Ag Podcast on iTunes! On the next episode, how government and industry are promoting–and incentivizing–improvements to on-farm, ag irrigation system performance.

This week’s Water Zone Ag show will feature Dan Johnson, State Water Management Engineer with the USDA/NRCS and Jim Anshutz, Founder of AG/H20, to discuss the surprising ways that government and industry are promoting–and incentivizing–improvements to on-farm, ag irrigation system performance.

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50 Years of Irrigation, Toro and more at 2017 World Ag Expo

Tulare World Ag Expo showcases 50 Year Evolution of Irrigation

Amidst one of the worst droughts in California’s history water remains at the forefront of agricultural issues, and as the World Ag Expo in Tulare celebrates 50 years one can see how irrigation techniques have changed throughout the world and state.

“50 years ago we were flood irrigating you know, gravity siphon pipe irrigating,” said Inge Bisconer, Toro Micro Irrigation.

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Visit Toro at the 2017 World Ag Expo

See You at World Ag Expo 2017!

The 2017 World Ag Expo is only a few days away and we can’t wait to see you there! February 14-16 Toro Micro-Irrigation will be exhibiting the World Ag Expo in Tulare, California.

If you are attending the show, be sure to stop by the Toro booth to check out our newest products and discover the right drip irrigation solution for you, including FlowControl Drip Tape, Evolution AG Controller for Irrigation and Fertigation, Toro’s AWARD-WINNING Recycling Service, and more.

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Toro at the 2016 World Ag Expo

Join Toro Ag at the 2016 World Ag Expo!

We’ve been waiting all year for this, and the time is finally here! The 2016 World Ag Expo in Tulare, CA is happening THIS WEEK, and we hope you’ll join us there!

From February 9 – 11, Toro will be exhibiting at the World Ag Expo. If you are attending the show, be sure to stop by BOOTH K44 for an interactive experience with some of our most revolutionary products.

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Colorado Agriculture Energy Efficiency Program

Colorado Agriculture Energy Efficiency Program

Colorado’s agricultural industry faces direct energy expenses of more than $400 million annual that account for 7% of the industry’s overall expenses. Now there is a new statewide dairy and irrigation energy efficiency program available to ag producers.

The new initiative, geared toward dairies and irrigators, will provide energy services to a minimum of 80 agricultural producers annually for three years. Program participants will receive:

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Modernizing California Agriculture on The Water Zone

The Water Zone: How California Agriculture is being Modernized

Toro Micro-Irrigation’s Inge Bisconer and Claude Corcos will guest-host tonight’s episode of “The Water Zone” radio show. On tonight’s show, they’ll take a closer look at how research and funding is helping to modernize California agriculture.

Tune in at 6:00pm PST as they discuss the latest research in water technology in agriculture with Becky Phene, a leading irrigation expert and University of California research associate. They’ll also talk to Carolyn Cook, and Environmental Scientist and California Department of Food and Agriculture (CDFA) Liaison to the Climate Change Consortium, about the recent announcement that the CDFA will be awarding $16 million in grant funding for agriculture operations throughout California.

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Toro at the 2015 Irrigation Show

Visit us at the 2015 Irrigation Show

The 2015 Irrigation Association Show is only days away, and we hope you’ll come and see us there!

On November 11th and 12th, Toro will be exhibiting at the 2015 IA Show in Long Beach, CA. If you are attending the show, be sure to stop by booth 1424 and check out Toro’s full range of irrigation solutions, including some of our most innovative products.

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Agriculture Irrigation technology transforming farming

Agriculture Irrigation Technology Transforming Farming

Madera County farmer Tom Rogers thought he knew a lot about how to irrigate his family’s 175-acre almond ranch. But several droughts, including the current four-year dry spell, made him reconsider his approach on how to get the most out of his ever-shrinking water supply.

For the last two years, Rogers has received no surface water, relying purely on groundwater wells to keep the ranch’s trees alive and producing.

Nothing is taken for granted on the Rogers’ farm, and nothing is wasted, especially water.

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