Tag: agriculture technology

50 Years of Irrigation, Toro and more at 2017 World Ag Expo

Tulare World Ag Expo showcases 50 Year Evolution of Irrigation

Amidst one of the worst droughts in California’s history water remains at the forefront of agricultural issues, and as the World Ag Expo in Tulare celebrates 50 years one can see how irrigation techniques have changed throughout the world and state.

“50 years ago we were flood irrigating you know, gravity siphon pipe irrigating,” said Inge Bisconer, Toro Micro Irrigation.

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Agriculturist of the Year

Drip Irrigation Leader named ‘Agriculturalist of the Year’

Jim Klauzer did not start out working with drip irrigation. But that has been his focus since 2000, when he joined Clearwater Supply which sells and designs drip systems.

Prior to that, Klauzer was a research agronomist for a variety of pesticide makers. The last pesticide company he worked for was having a merger and wanted Klauzer to move to Georgia or Alabama.

A sales agronomist, Klauzer decided he wanted to stay in the Treasure Valley and responded to an ad for the position with Clearwater Supply.

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WGA Tech Center

New Western Growers Center for Innovation and Technology connects Growers with Solutions

“In an era of diminishing natural and human resources and growing regulatory and marketplace demands, the future of agriculture depends on technology,” says Tom Nassif, president and chief executive officer for Western Growers Association (WGA), which is working to connect high technology and the soil through a facility based in America’s salad bowl.

The new Western Growers Center for Innovation and Technology (WGCIT), which opened late last year at Salinas, Calif., is a technology incubator aimed at bringing innovative entrepreneurs together with farmers to facilitate creative solutions to the biggest challenges facing agriculture.

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