Tag: aqua-traxx drip tape

Colorado Agriculture Energy Efficiency Program

Colorado Agriculture Energy Efficiency Program

Colorado’s agricultural industry faces direct energy expenses of more than $400 million annual that account for 7% of the industry’s overall expenses. Now there is a new statewide dairy and irrigation energy efficiency program available to ag producers.

The new initiative, geared toward dairies and irrigators, will provide energy services to a minimum of 80 agricultural producers annually for three years. Program participants will receive:

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Aqua Traxx (FC) Flow Control Drip Tape

New Flow Rate for FlowControl Drip Tape

Toro is pleased to announce that FlowControl drip tape is now available in the popular 0.13 GPH emitter flow rate. This newest flow rate allows for longer lengths of run, and lower application rates, than ever before. The .013 GPH flow rate is available in 5/8”, 7/8” & 1 3/8” internal diameters; 6-, 8-, 10-, 12-, & 15-mil wall thicknesses; and, 12” & 24” emitter spacing options.

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The Advantages of Closely Spaced Emitters

Choosing the right drip tape emitter spacing can be more of an art than a science. This is because of the many variables that exist in each farming application, including tape placement, soil type, crop, plant population, soil and water salinity, tape quality and cost, etc. Fortunately, Cal Poly San Luis Obispo’s recent Drip and Micro Irrigation Design and Management Manual, published by the Irrigation Training and Research Center (ITRC) in 2007, provides a great deal of guidance for this important decision. In particular, the new manual discusses how closely spaced drip tape emitters can enhance salt management for seed germination, leach salts in permanent crops, and dilute soil salinity for salt sensitive crops. In addition, the manual highlights some of the agronomic and economic disadvantages of using widely spaced emitters.

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