Tag: benefits of drip irrigation

Drip Irrigation Benefits Crop, Water and Habitat

Drip Irrigation Benefits Crops, Water and Habitat for California Farmer

During times of water scarcity, like California’s recent drought, it’s tempting to take on a binary view of the world.  This was definitely the case with agriculture, which appeared to be at odds with everyone: farms vs. fish, farm vs. cities, farms vs. regulators.  As a dominant water user in the state, they were easy targets.

But when one digs deeper, it’s obvious that many in the agricultural community want to move beyond this debate and do things differently. Yes growing food and fiber takes water, but there are plenty of farmers laser-focused on improving irrigation efficiency, maximizing multi-benefit solutions and striking a balance between growing crops and preserving the environment.

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Toro at the 2016 World Ag Expo

Join Toro Ag at the 2016 World Ag Expo!

We’ve been waiting all year for this, and the time is finally here! The 2016 World Ag Expo in Tulare, CA is happening THIS WEEK, and we hope you’ll join us there!

From February 9 – 11, Toro will be exhibiting at the World Ag Expo. If you are attending the show, be sure to stop by BOOTH K44 for an interactive experience with some of our most revolutionary products.

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Farmer uses Less Water with Drip Irrigation on Pumpkin Patch

As pumpkins in the field begin heading for front porches to become jack-o’-lanterns, a pumpkin farmer in Ogden is showing off his non-traditional way of watering his crop. His innovations have slashed his water use by two-thirds.

In this era of widespread drought and water shortages, some say the impressive water savings in Peterson’s Ogden pumpkin patch could be a model for other farmers.

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The Water Zone Radio Show to Focus on Water Issues in California Agriculture

The Water Zone Radio Show, Hosted by Toro Irrigation, to Focus on Water Issues in California Agriculture

This Thursday, September 10th, “The Water Zone” radio show, hosted by Toro, will focus on California’s agricultural industry and efforts to save water amid the historic drought. Guests include Deputy Cabinet Secretary and Senior Advisor to California Governor Edmund G. Brown, Jr., and Manager of the San Luis Canal Company, among others.

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Drip irrigation saves water, delivers inputs

Subsurface Drip Irrigation saves water, delivers inputs

The practice of applying chemicals through buried drip irrigation lines has been used for decades in fruit and vegetable crops and orchards. Subsurface drip irrigation (SDI) is pumping water into perforated poly pipes buried deep enough in the soil so that they’re not bothered by seeding and tillage equipment.

Inge Bisconer, a technical manager in Toro’s Micro-Irrigation division, said Toro has been an early developer of SDI.

However, drip irrigation is no longer exclusive to small-acreage, high-value horticulture crops.

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VIDEO: Oregon Carrot Seed Growers Save Water & Improve Yield, Quality with Drip Irrigation (and it’s “Bee Friendly” Too!)

Oregon producers, who grow about 85 percent of the nation’s carrot seeds, have cut water use in half by transitioning to drip from overhead sprinklers. Although more studies need to be done, growers also expect drip irrigation will reduce Xanthomonas, a bacterial pathogen that can be spread by sprinklers or splashing water.

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Why Midwest Growers Are Converting to Subsurface Drip Irrigation

In the Midwest, the land where pivot irrigation is king, some growers are converting to subsurface drip irrigation (SDI) to save water, decrease energy and labor costs, and increase crop yield and quality. Though there is an initial investment cost, the water savings and yield improvement reduce the payback period and the benefits of subsurface drip irrigation out-weigh many of the drawbacks of pivots, which include limited reach, costly additions, un-watered acres, and water loss to evaporation – just to name a few.

To learn more about SDI, check out the new “how-to” guide to subsurface drip irrigation. Or, continue reading to find out why Midwest growers are converting to subsurface drip irrigation.

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The Advantages of Closely Spaced Emitters

Choosing the right drip tape emitter spacing can be more of an art than a science. This is because of the many variables that exist in each farming application, including tape placement, soil type, crop, plant population, soil and water salinity, tape quality and cost, etc. Fortunately, Cal Poly San Luis Obispo’s recent Drip and Micro Irrigation Design and Management Manual, published by the Irrigation Training and Research Center (ITRC) in 2007, provides a great deal of guidance for this important decision. In particular, the new manual discusses how closely spaced drip tape emitters can enhance salt management for seed germination, leach salts in permanent crops, and dilute soil salinity for salt sensitive crops. In addition, the manual highlights some of the agronomic and economic disadvantages of using widely spaced emitters.

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