Tag: california drought

Drip Irrigation Benefits Crop, Water and Habitat

Drip Irrigation Benefits Crops, Water and Habitat for California Farmer

During times of water scarcity, like California’s recent drought, it’s tempting to take on a binary view of the world.  This was definitely the case with agriculture, which appeared to be at odds with everyone: farms vs. fish, farm vs. cities, farms vs. regulators.  As a dominant water user in the state, they were easy targets.

But when one digs deeper, it’s obvious that many in the agricultural community want to move beyond this debate and do things differently. Yes growing food and fiber takes water, but there are plenty of farmers laser-focused on improving irrigation efficiency, maximizing multi-benefit solutions and striking a balance between growing crops and preserving the environment.

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Ag Irrigation, Secretary Karen Ross

New Episode of The Water Zone Ag Podcast: Ag Irrigation in Post-Drought California

This Thursday, June 1st, at 6p.m. PST on The Water Zone Radio Show, tune in for an extra special Ag episode hosted by ag irrigation veterans, Inge Bisconer and Paul McFadden.

On this week’s episode of The Water Zone Ag, Inge and Paul host Secretary Karen Ross, Secretary of the California Department of Food and Agriculture. They’ll explore water-use in post-drought California, and what ag irrigation in California looks like going forward.

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50 Years of Irrigation, Toro and more at 2017 World Ag Expo

Tulare World Ag Expo showcases 50 Year Evolution of Irrigation

Amidst one of the worst droughts in California’s history water remains at the forefront of agricultural issues, and as the World Ag Expo in Tulare celebrates 50 years one can see how irrigation techniques have changed throughout the world and state.

“50 years ago we were flood irrigating you know, gravity siphon pipe irrigating,” said Inge Bisconer, Toro Micro Irrigation.

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Toro's Inge Bisconer to Speak during 2016 Drought Summit at Irrigation Show

Attend the 2016 Drought Summit during the Irrigation Show

While 2016 brought some relief to the Western drought, many areas are still experiencing historic water shortages, with no reprieve in sight. From the Colorado River to Lake Mead, water supplies are shrinking while demand increases, thus driving water users to look elsewhere for their water, in many cases underground.

Last year, the Irrigation Association hosted the first drought summit in conjunction with the 2015 Irrigation Show and Education Conference in Long Beach, California. We are excited to not only hold our second summit in Las Vegas, Nevada, but also partner with the National Ground Water Association for the 2016 Drought Summit.

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Modernizing California Agriculture on The Water Zone

The Water Zone: How California Agriculture is being Modernized

Toro Micro-Irrigation’s Inge Bisconer and Claude Corcos will guest-host tonight’s episode of “The Water Zone” radio show. On tonight’s show, they’ll take a closer look at how research and funding is helping to modernize California agriculture.

Tune in at 6:00pm PST as they discuss the latest research in water technology in agriculture with Becky Phene, a leading irrigation expert and University of California research associate. They’ll also talk to Carolyn Cook, and Environmental Scientist and California Department of Food and Agriculture (CDFA) Liaison to the Climate Change Consortium, about the recent announcement that the CDFA will be awarding $16 million in grant funding for agriculture operations throughout California.

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Water Technology and the Calidfornia Drought Summit - Drip Irrigation

Water Technology and The California Drought Summit

On July 10, 2015, Toro Micro-Irrigation was invited by Governor Brown to attend the “Water Technology and The California Drought Summit” at CalEPA headquarters.

The 2015 Summit on Water Technology and the California Drought explored existing and upcoming technologies that can be more broadly deployed to strengthen California’s drought resiliency.

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The Water Zone Radio Show to Focus on Water Issues in California Agriculture

The Water Zone Radio Show, Hosted by Toro Irrigation, to Focus on Water Issues in California Agriculture

This Thursday, September 10th, “The Water Zone” radio show, hosted by Toro, will focus on California’s agricultural industry and efforts to save water amid the historic drought. Guests include Deputy Cabinet Secretary and Senior Advisor to California Governor Edmund G. Brown, Jr., and Manager of the San Luis Canal Company, among others.

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California Emergency Drought Relief Act

New Bill would support California Emergency Drought Relief

On July 30th, U.S. Senators Dianne Feinstein and Barbara Boxer introduced the California Emergency Drought Relief Act, a bill with both short and long-term provisions designed to help communities cope with the ongoing drought and combat future droughts.

The bill is the product of months of meetings between Senator Feinstein and her staff, federal, state and local officials, environmental groups, water districts and other stakeholders.

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