Tag: distribution hose

New Toro White Spiders for Greenhouse Irrigation

DSC_0025At Toro, we recently added white spider distribution hose to our product line. “White spiders” are multi-outlet devices for use with on-line emitters, such as our pressure-compensating or anit-leak NGE emitters. Along with popular black spiders, white spiders are ideal for greenhouses and nurseries where pot watering and/or hanging basket irrigation systems are used.

White spider tubing is made of flexible PEVA material that allows easier placement of the outlet stakes. Plus, the white tubing potentially reflects sunlight and can lower irrigation water temperature to benefit plant growth, making white spiders preferable to some greenhouses and nurseries.

Both Toro’s black spider and white spider products are available in the same configurations (1, 2, or 4 outlets), and come with standard tubing cut lengths of 18”, 24”, and 32”. To learn more, visit toro.com

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