Tag: drip irrigation case studies

Drip Irrigation Resources and Tools for Growers

6 Drip Irrigation Resources and Tools from Toro Ag

Whether you’ve been using a drip irrigation system for years, or if you are considering drip irrigation for the first time, we have a number of drip irrigation resources to help you at every point along the way! Over the years, our talented team of experts has created some helpful guides, tools, videos, and webpages to help growers, like you, learn about drip irrigation and get the most from a drip system. Here are 6 of the many drip irrigation resources and tools that Toro has to offer.

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Agriculture Industry Needs To Do A Better Job “Telling its Story”

All too often, the general public still thinks of farmers as wearing overalls and using very simple practices to grow crops when quite the opposite is true, says Rob Atchley, general manager of citrus groves for Florida and Texas for A. Duda & Sons Inc., LaBelle.

To help bridge that misperception, he called on those in agriculture to do a better job educating the public about current farming practices and how farmers are true professionals.

“Farmers, especially those who grow specialty crops, need to give the public a view of how we really farm, to show these are highly managed businesses and not a couple of guys in overalls with buckets throwing fertilizer,” he says. “They are professional people who do this for a living. They study these businesses. They grow up in these businesses, and they run them at a high level of oversight because the margins demand it. We can’t do things sloppily.”

Do you have a story you’d like to share? Leave us a comment and let us know your story or how you are a professional in the agriculture industry.

To learn more about Toro’s story, visit toro.com. Or, check out one of our many drip irrigation case studies to learn more about how professionals in the agriculture industry are using drip irrigation to improve their farming practices.

To read more about “telling the story”,

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WEBINAR REVIEW: Making Drip Irrigation Pay

Last week, we blogged about a free webinar produced by the Grange Network called “Making Drip Pay” that discussed how to increase income, reduce costs, and improve flexibility with drip irrigation. Led by Inge Bisconer of Toro Micro-Irrigation, the webinar highlighted how growers have quickly paid for the investment. For example, Chris and Stephen Cox, a father son team in Kansas, paid for their $1,100 per acre system in 1.5 years by increasing corn yields by 100 bushels per acre, and by reducing costs by about $160 per acre. They also received $330/acre of EQIP cost share.

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