Tag: drip irrigation maintenance

Irrigation Efficiency tools and solutions at the Dubois Agrinovaton booth at the Ontario Fruit and Vegetable Convention.

Irrigation Efficiency: Best Practices to Keep in Mind for Drip Irrigation, Tree Fruit Growers

Irrigation efficiency is all about irrigating at the right time and the right place.

The majority of requests to a plant doctor – 80 per cent — are water-related. Not insects or disease but water! One of California’s foremost experts on irrigation efficiency shared this statistic with tender fruit growers at the Ontario Fruit and Vegetable Convention.

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Water Efficiency in a Drip Irrigation System

Drip Irrigation Systems Study shows Dramatic Improvements to Water Efficiency

Water use efficiency has long been a priority for produce growers in the United States, but with diminishing water resources there has been a renewed urgency to improve efficiency in irrigation systems.

Western Growers, in concert with JR Simplot Water Services and The Toro Company, recently concluded a study to evaluate distribution uniformity in drip irrigation systems in key produce regions in California, including both the Oxnard Plain and the Coachella Valley. This study was done in cooperation with Western Growers members who were interested in water efficiency and will be published soon to provide useful information to those operating drip systems.

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Drip Irrigation System Operation and Maintenance

WEBINAR: Drip Irrigation System Operation and Maintenance

Drip irrigation technology provides tremendous benefits if the system is operated and maintained properly. Tune in to this Friday’s webinar about drip irrigation system operation and maintenance for helpful hints on how to use Toro Micro-Irrigation’s Owner’s Manual to establish baseline readings, monitor system parameters, schedule irrigations and perform system maintenance.

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Drip Irrigation Resources and Tools for Growers

6 Drip Irrigation Resources and Tools from Toro Ag

Whether you’ve been using a drip irrigation system for years, or if you are considering drip irrigation for the first time, we have a number of drip irrigation resources to help you at every point along the way! Over the years, our talented team of experts has created some helpful guides, tools, videos, and webpages to help growers, like you, learn about drip irrigation and get the most from a drip system. Here are 6 of the many drip irrigation resources and tools that Toro has to offer.

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