Tag: drip irrigation scheduling

Irrigation Efficiency tools and solutions at the Dubois Agrinovaton booth at the Ontario Fruit and Vegetable Convention.

Irrigation Efficiency: Best Practices to Keep in Mind for Drip Irrigation, Tree Fruit Growers

Irrigation efficiency is all about irrigating at the right time and the right place.

The majority of requests to a plant doctor – 80 per cent — are water-related. Not insects or disease but water! One of California’s foremost experts on irrigation efficiency shared this statistic with tender fruit growers at the Ontario Fruit and Vegetable Convention.

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Drip Irrigation Scheduling

Drip Irrigation scheduling is the process of deciding when to run the drip irrigation system, and for how long. It is a complex topic but of utmost importance because it influences whether the crop gets the right amount of water and nutrients, and whether valuable water is wasted to runoff or deep percolation. Irrigation scheduling combines data and agronomic expertise in that the irrigator must balance known facts such as weather, chemistry, stage of plant growth and farm cultural operations.

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