Tag: drip irrigation system

The Water Zone Ag Podcast

The Water Zone Ag Podcast Now on iTunes; and tune in for a New Episode on Improving Agriculture Irrigation Performance

Now you can listen and subscribe to The Water Zone Ag Podcast on iTunes! On the next episode, how government and industry are promoting–and incentivizing–improvements to on-farm, ag irrigation system performance.

This week’s Water Zone Ag show will feature Dan Johnson, State Water Management Engineer with the USDA/NRCS and Jim Anshutz, Founder of AG/H20, to discuss the surprising ways that government and industry are promoting–and incentivizing–improvements to on-farm, ag irrigation system performance.

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Water Efficiency in a Drip Irrigation System

Drip Irrigation Systems Study shows Dramatic Improvements to Water Efficiency

Water use efficiency has long been a priority for produce growers in the United States, but with diminishing water resources there has been a renewed urgency to improve efficiency in irrigation systems.

Western Growers, in concert with JR Simplot Water Services and The Toro Company, recently concluded a study to evaluate distribution uniformity in drip irrigation systems in key produce regions in California, including both the Oxnard Plain and the Coachella Valley. This study was done in cooperation with Western Growers members who were interested in water efficiency and will be published soon to provide useful information to those operating drip systems.

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Drip Irrigation Rodent Control

Drip Irrigation Rodent Control

Newer irrigation systems like drip and subsurface drip irrigation (SDI) have been used by cutting-edge alfalfa growers for quite some time.

Even with the proven benefits, many growers struggle with the idea of moving away from traditional irrigation practices to something unfamiliar. How much will the conversion cost? What kind of return can I expect? Will this affect the number of cuttings each year? And perhaps one of the biggest questions: How do I control rodents?

Rodents cause yield loss and crop damage if not managed

Rodents are a concern for all alfalfa growers, regardless of what irrigation method is used. Pests like mice, voles and gophers cause yield loss and crop damage when not properly managed.

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Learn Drip Irrigation Strategies at Drip Irrigation Workshop

Learn Drip Irrigation Strategies at June 3 Workshop

Brookdale Fruit Farm in Hollis, N.H., is the site of a June 3 workshop on drip irrigation strategies and options vegetable and fruit growers should be considering for the growing season.

We will be presenting a hands-on demonstration on setting up a drip irrigation system, starting from the pond to the field, describing the various components of the drip irrigation system.

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Subsurface Drip Irrigation System

8 Questions when Installing a Subsurface Drip Irrigation System

Throughout the past few years, drip and subsurface drip irrigation (SDI) have emerged as new opportunities for alfalfa growers looking to conserve water and other resources.

The idea of greater water use efficiency (WUE) and resource use efficiency (RUE) is enticing growers who are on the fence about converting fields, while the expectation of achieving greater yields, a proven benefit of a drip and subsurface drip irrigation system, is pushing them over.

A good engineer will ask the proper questions to ensure the best system is recommended and installed for each unique operation, but it’s equally important growers ask questions about the system as it relates to the current field and future operation plans.

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Design for Uniformity with Toro's AquaFlow Drip Irrigation Design Software

WEBINAR ALERT: Designing for Uniformity with Toro’s AquaFlow Drip Irrigation Design Software

Learn the ins and outs of Toro’s AquaFlow Drip Irrigation Design Software from the woman who created it! You won’t want to miss out.

Tune in to learn how to size and select laterals, submains and mainlines to economically achieve high emission uniformity, even in multi-slope, challenging terrain or large block sizes.

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Drip Irrigation System Operation and Maintenance

WEBINAR: Drip Irrigation System Operation and Maintenance

Drip irrigation technology provides tremendous benefits if the system is operated and maintained properly. Tune in to this Friday’s webinar about drip irrigation system operation and maintenance for helpful hints on how to use Toro Micro-Irrigation’s Owner’s Manual to establish baseline readings, monitor system parameters, schedule irrigations and perform system maintenance.

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WEBINAR ALERT: Overcoming Drip Irrigation Uniformity Challenges

Many farmers are challenged to apply water uniformly on fields with undulating terrain or long lengths of run. Tune in on Friday, January 15, to learn how Toro’s new Aqua-Traxx FC flow control drip tape provides superior drip irrigation system emission uniformity compared to ordinary drip tapes, and how it also avoids the drawbacks of pressure compensating tapes.

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Farmer uses Less Water with Drip Irrigation on Pumpkin Patch

As pumpkins in the field begin heading for front porches to become jack-o’-lanterns, a pumpkin farmer in Ogden is showing off his non-traditional way of watering his crop. His innovations have slashed his water use by two-thirds.

In this era of widespread drought and water shortages, some say the impressive water savings in Peterson’s Ogden pumpkin patch could be a model for other farmers.

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Aqua Traxx (FC) Flow Control Drip Tape

New Flow Rate for FlowControl Drip Tape

Toro is pleased to announce that FlowControl drip tape is now available in the popular 0.13 GPH emitter flow rate. This newest flow rate allows for longer lengths of run, and lower application rates, than ever before. The .013 GPH flow rate is available in 5/8”, 7/8” & 1 3/8” internal diameters; 6-, 8-, 10-, 12-, & 15-mil wall thicknesses; and, 12” & 24” emitter spacing options.

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