Tag: drip irrigation webinar

Irrigation Water Efficiency

Webinar: The role of Uniformity in Irrigation Water Efficiency

Irrigation water efficiency is a priority for producers in the United States and is impacted by field uniformity. Uniformity issues may result in over irrigation, however, new technology and science can bring potential solutions.

This Monday, July 25, Western Growers Association will host a Lunch & Learn webinar that will highlight findings of a recent study conducted in key produce regions in California and provide participants with some practical ideas to address differences in uniformity and efficiency.

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Design for Uniformity with Toro's AquaFlow Drip Irrigation Design Software

WEBINAR ALERT: Designing for Uniformity with Toro’s AquaFlow Drip Irrigation Design Software

Learn the ins and outs of Toro’s AquaFlow Drip Irrigation Design Software from the woman who created it! You won’t want to miss out.

Tune in to learn how to size and select laterals, submains and mainlines to economically achieve high emission uniformity, even in multi-slope, challenging terrain or large block sizes.

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Drip Irrigation System Operation and Maintenance

WEBINAR: Drip Irrigation System Operation and Maintenance

Drip irrigation technology provides tremendous benefits if the system is operated and maintained properly. Tune in to this Friday’s webinar about drip irrigation system operation and maintenance for helpful hints on how to use Toro Micro-Irrigation’s Owner’s Manual to establish baseline readings, monitor system parameters, schedule irrigations and perform system maintenance.

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WEBINAR ALERT: Overcoming Drip Irrigation Uniformity Challenges

Many farmers are challenged to apply water uniformly on fields with undulating terrain or long lengths of run. Tune in on Friday, January 15, to learn how Toro’s new Aqua-Traxx FC flow control drip tape provides superior drip irrigation system emission uniformity compared to ordinary drip tapes, and how it also avoids the drawbacks of pressure compensating tapes.

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Drip Irrigation System Operation and Maintenance

Missed Last Week’s Webinar about Toro’s Drip Irrigation Owner’s Manual? You’re in Luck!

If you tried to join last Friday’s webinar, you may have experienced some issues logging in. Our apologies go to those who weren’t able to login because the virtual room was full. If you weren’t able to join, don’t worry:

You’re invited to a repeat of this essential event this Friday, Dec 18 at 9AM PST.

Tune in to Here’s What You Need to Know About Toro’s Drip Irrigation Owner’s Manual, a free webinar hosted by the Grange Network.

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WEBINAR: How Irrigation Uniformity & Management Affect Plant Health

imageOn Friday, July 25, 2014 at 1:00PM (Pacific Time), the Grange Network will be hosting a 60-minute, FREE webinar to discuss how irrigation uniformity and management affect plant health. Keith Backman, Consultant Manager of Dellavalle Laboratory will lead the discussion.

Click here to register for the FREE webinar, “How Irrigation Uniformity and Management Affects Plant Health”.

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WEBINAR: 2014 California Irrigation Institute (CII) Conference Wrap-Up

Inge Bisconer, Toro Micro-Irrigation Technical Marketing and Sales ManagerThis year’s 52nd annual CII conference was held January 23-24 in Sacramento, CA and was titled “Building a Water and Energy Efficient California”. This webinar, led by 2014 conference president Inge Bisconer of Toro Micro-Irrigation, will provide a round-up of topics pertinent to agricultural irrigation that were presented and discussed during the conference opening panel, joint session, and the three agricultural concurrent sessions including, “Remotely Measuring our Progress”, “Ground Level Implementation – Making it Work”, and “Alliances to Improve On-Farm Irrigation Practices.” If you missed the conference, be sure to register for this webinar to get this year’s agriculture highlights.

Click here to register for the FREE webinar, “2014 California Irrigation Institute (CII) Conference Wrap-Up”.

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WEBINAR REVIEW: Making Drip Irrigation Pay

Last week, we blogged about a free webinar produced by the Grange Network called “Making Drip Pay” that discussed how to increase income, reduce costs, and improve flexibility with drip irrigation. Led by Inge Bisconer of Toro Micro-Irrigation, the webinar highlighted how growers have quickly paid for the investment. For example, Chris and Stephen Cox, a father son team in Kansas, paid for their $1,100 per acre system in 1.5 years by increasing corn yields by 100 bushels per acre, and by reducing costs by about $160 per acre. They also received $330/acre of EQIP cost share.

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