Tag: inge bisconer

Toro's Inge Bisconer to Speak during 2016 Drought Summit at Irrigation Show

Attend the 2016 Drought Summit during the Irrigation Show

While 2016 brought some relief to the Western drought, many areas are still experiencing historic water shortages, with no reprieve in sight. From the Colorado River to Lake Mead, water supplies are shrinking while demand increases, thus driving water users to look elsewhere for their water, in many cases underground.

Last year, the Irrigation Association hosted the first drought summit in conjunction with the 2015 Irrigation Show and Education Conference in Long Beach, California. We are excited to not only hold our second summit in Las Vegas, Nevada, but also partner with the National Ground Water Association for the 2016 Drought Summit.

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WEBINAR: 2014 California Irrigation Institute (CII) Conference Wrap-Up

Inge Bisconer, Toro Micro-Irrigation Technical Marketing and Sales ManagerThis year’s 52nd annual CII conference was held January 23-24 in Sacramento, CA and was titled “Building a Water and Energy Efficient California”. This webinar, led by 2014 conference president Inge Bisconer of Toro Micro-Irrigation, will provide a round-up of topics pertinent to agricultural irrigation that were presented and discussed during the conference opening panel, joint session, and the three agricultural concurrent sessions including, “Remotely Measuring our Progress”, “Ground Level Implementation – Making it Work”, and “Alliances to Improve On-Farm Irrigation Practices.” If you missed the conference, be sure to register for this webinar to get this year’s agriculture highlights.

Click here to register for the FREE webinar, “2014 California Irrigation Institute (CII) Conference Wrap-Up”.

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California Farmers Say Irrigation Technology & Efficiency is the Future for Agriculture

Irrigation supply stores throughout California report brisk sales, and irrigation experts say extreme drought has prompted a closer look at emerging technology to help stretch dwindling water supplies.

California farmers invested more than $3 billion in improved irrigation technology between 2003 and 2013, according to Danny Merkley, California Farm Bureau Federation water resources director.

“Already, farmers have upgraded irrigation systems on more than 2.6 million acres statewide,” Merkley said. Many farmers and ranchers see technology as a way to accelerate water supply management capability and better integrate a variety of operations, while noting that a combination of efficiency improvements and investment in new water storage and recycling will be needed to assure future supplies.

“I’ve worked in two-dozen countries consulting on various aspects of applied irrigation technology, and find California farmers are doing an outstanding job of adopting technology for better water management,” said Charles Burt, chairman of the Irrigation Training and Research Center at Cal Poly, San Luis Obispo.

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Online Tool Calculates ROI of Drip Irrigation

Drip Irrigation Payback WizardRecently, American Vegetable Grower (AVG) magazine sat down with Inge Bisconer, Toro Micro-Irrigation’s technical marketing and sales manager, and discussed the “Drip/Micro Payback Wizard,” a FREE online tool that helps growers estimate the cost of converting to drip irrigation.  And since growers are in endless pursuit of cost efficiency and maximizing their crops’ yields, the tool is an excellent resource for growers looking for empirical data on how quickly a drip irrigation system will pay for itself.

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