Tag: irrigation efficiency program

Colorado Agriculture Energy Efficiency Program

Colorado Agriculture Energy Efficiency Program

Colorado’s agricultural industry faces direct energy expenses of more than $400 million annual that account for 7% of the industry’s overall expenses. Now there is a new statewide dairy and irrigation energy efficiency program available to ag producers.

The new initiative, geared toward dairies and irrigators, will provide energy services to a minimum of 80 agricultural producers annually for three years. Program participants will receive:

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Additional SWEEP Funding for California water improvement

CDFA: $16 Million SWEEP Funding for CA Water Saving Projects

The California Department of Food and Agriculture (CDFA) has announced that another $16 million in State Water Efficiency and Enhancement Program (SWEEP) funding has been released for projects within California. The CDFA will be accepting applications immediately, and will continue receiving applications until Friday, January 8, 2016 at 5:00p.m. PST.

The funding will provide financial assistance to implement irrigation systems that reduce greenhouse gases and save water at California agricultural operations. The funding is made available through the Greenhouse Gas Reduction Fund, from proceeds of California’s Cap‐and‐Trade program.

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Irrigation Efficiency Program

Staples Irrigation Efficiency Program Update

Get in touch with Staples Energy ASAP about any projects that save energy and use less water – projects must be approved by PG&E and installed by November 30th. There’s still time to get these incentives if you act fast.

The Irrigation Efficiency Program is offered by Pacific Gas and Electric Company (PG&E) in collaboration with Staples Energy to help growers achieve both energy and water savings through more efficient irrigation equipment.

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2015 Irrigation Efficiency Program

In 2014, Staples Energy’s Low-Pressure Irrigation Efficiency Program successfully saved over 3800 kW of energy and gave growers over $1.2 million in incentive savings. Now, Staples is continuing the incentives through 2015 with a new 2015 Irrigation Efficiency Program.

NEW 2015 Irrigation Efficiency Program
The Staples Irrigation Efficiency program will provide incentives to any irrigation design which can demonstrate energy/water savings. The program will offer almost unlimited possibilities for submitting savings for rebates instead of only two “deemed” projects with set values for incentives.

Projects can use a combination of energy and water savings to calculate the kWh savings for projects. This allows flexibility for incentivizing all types of real-world, energy-efficient irrigation projects. As long as a project can be calculated to show a savings, it can be submitted to the Staples program.

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