Tag: irrigation scheduling

Precise Water Usage Boosts Nutrient Uptake

Precise Water Usage Boosts Nutrient Uptake

The relationship between nutrient management and soil moisture is a very close one. As fertilizer gets more and more expensive, proper management of this input is critical to help you maintain profitability.

George Hochmuth, professor at the Soil and Water Science Department at the University of Florida, describes the dynamics of the relationship between soil moisture and fertilizer management, and outlines ways to improve your crops’ nutrient uptake through more precise irrigation.

So why is the relationship between soil moisture and fertilizer so important?

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10 Ways Farmers are Saving Water

California DroughtAs California faces a historic drought, many farmers are relying on groundwater reserves to carry them through the dry season. Pumping groundwater is currently unregulated in California (that could soon change), and drawing on reserves now could cause shortages in the future. Sustainability-minded farmers are looking ahead and using an arsenal of ways to save water. Here are just a few:

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