Tag: irrigation uniformity

5 Reasons to Switch to FlowControl Drip Tape

5 Reasons to Switch to FlowControl Drip Tape

Growers are switching to FlowControl drip tape. Why? For starters, better uniformity and better clog resistance 5 reasons to try FlowControl drip tape now.

  1. Better uniformity – even in hilly terrain
  2. Clog resistance
  3. Increased profitability through higher yields and lower system cost
  4. Exceptionally better value versus pressure­ compensating drip tapes
  5. Longer lengths of run
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Irrigation Water Efficiency

Webinar: The role of Uniformity in Irrigation Water Efficiency

Irrigation water efficiency is a priority for producers in the United States and is impacted by field uniformity. Uniformity issues may result in over irrigation, however, new technology and science can bring potential solutions.

This Monday, July 25, Western Growers Association will host a Lunch & Learn webinar that will highlight findings of a recent study conducted in key produce regions in California and provide participants with some practical ideas to address differences in uniformity and efficiency.

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Design for Uniformity with Toro's AquaFlow Drip Irrigation Design Software

WEBINAR ALERT: Designing for Uniformity with Toro’s AquaFlow Drip Irrigation Design Software

Learn the ins and outs of Toro’s AquaFlow Drip Irrigation Design Software from the woman who created it! You won’t want to miss out.

Tune in to learn how to size and select laterals, submains and mainlines to economically achieve high emission uniformity, even in multi-slope, challenging terrain or large block sizes.

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Aqua Traxx (FC) Flow Control Drip Tape

New Flow Rate for FlowControl Drip Tape

Toro is pleased to announce that FlowControl drip tape is now available in the popular 0.13 GPH emitter flow rate. This newest flow rate allows for longer lengths of run, and lower application rates, than ever before. The .013 GPH flow rate is available in 5/8”, 7/8” & 1 3/8” internal diameters; 6-, 8-, 10-, 12-, & 15-mil wall thicknesses; and, 12” & 24” emitter spacing options.

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Drip Irrigation Best Practices for agriculture and farming

Drip Irrigation Best Practices: Optimize Your Irrigation in 5 Easy Steps

July is Smart Irrigation Month, and to help promote drip irrigation best practices in ag and farming, we put together this small list of ways you can optimize your irrigation system.

Don’t make the mistake of wasting irrigation water. Do your homework and learn about crop water requirement, the maximum precipitation rates of soils, soil water holding capacities, irrigation system application rates and irrigation system uniformities.

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WEBINAR: How Irrigation Uniformity & Management Affect Plant Health

imageOn Friday, July 25, 2014 at 1:00PM (Pacific Time), the Grange Network will be hosting a 60-minute, FREE webinar to discuss how irrigation uniformity and management affect plant health. Keith Backman, Consultant Manager of Dellavalle Laboratory will lead the discussion.

Click here to register for the FREE webinar, “How Irrigation Uniformity and Management Affects Plant Health”.

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