Tag: no-till

How to Save Water and Boost Yields with Subsurface Drip Irrigation

Subsurface Drip Irrigation (SDI) on CornWith the help of manufacturers, like Toro, and local dealers who design, install, and provide service and support, growers in the Midwest are finding out first-hand how subsurface drip irrigation (SDI) systems not only improve water- and fertilizer-use efficiency, but also provide higher yields. And as the drought continues to affect water supplies, the need for efficient irrigation practices becomes more apparent. Couple this with high crop prices to allow a quicker return on investment, there may be no better time to invest in drip.

In a recent article in No-Till Farmer, reporter John Dobberstein examined the benefits of subsurface drip irrigation for field crops (such as corn and soybeans) and interviewed several Midwest producers who are already seeing payoffs by switching to drip.

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