Tag: water savings

Irrigation Efficiency Program

Staples Irrigation Efficiency Program Update

Get in touch with Staples Energy ASAP about any projects that save energy and use less water – projects must be approved by PG&E and installed by November 30th. There’s still time to get these incentives if you act fast.

The Irrigation Efficiency Program is offered by Pacific Gas and Electric Company (PG&E) in collaboration with Staples Energy to help growers achieve both energy and water savings through more efficient irrigation equipment.

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Farmer uses Less Water with Drip Irrigation on Pumpkin Patch

As pumpkins in the field begin heading for front porches to become jack-o’-lanterns, a pumpkin farmer in Ogden is showing off his non-traditional way of watering his crop. His innovations have slashed his water use by two-thirds.

In this era of widespread drought and water shortages, some say the impressive water savings in Peterson’s Ogden pumpkin patch could be a model for other farmers.

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Apply for $10 Million in California Agriculture Grants

An estimated $10 Million in Grants Available for California Agriculture

The California Department of Food and Agriculture (CDFA) is now accepting applications for the State Water Efficiency and Enhancement Program (SWEEP), authorized by emergency drought legislation (Assembly Bill 91).

An estimated $10 million will be available for competitive grant funding to provide financial assistance to implement irrigation systems that reduce greenhouse gases and save water on California agricultural operations.

The funding is made available through the Greenhouse Gas Reduction Fund, the proceeds of California’s greenhouse gas Cap and Trade program.

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