Tag: water use

Toro Celebrates World Water Day

The Toro Company Recognizes World Water Day with Efforts to Promote Water Efficiency

Today is United Nations World Water Day 2016, promoting awareness of serious regional water shortages around the world and the search for solutions to the critical threats these scarce water supplies pose to humanity. The Toro Company is a worldwide leader in the development of innovative water-preservation technologies for turf and agricultural irrigation applications. In recognition of the company’s commitment to driving water sustainability, Toro was invited to the nation’s capital today to participate in the White House Water Summit.

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Precise Water Usage Boosts Nutrient Uptake

Precise Water Usage Boosts Nutrient Uptake

The relationship between nutrient management and soil moisture is a very close one. As fertilizer gets more and more expensive, proper management of this input is critical to help you maintain profitability.

George Hochmuth, professor at the Soil and Water Science Department at the University of Florida, describes the dynamics of the relationship between soil moisture and fertilizer management, and outlines ways to improve your crops’ nutrient uptake through more precise irrigation.

So why is the relationship between soil moisture and fertilizer so important?

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Water Technology and the Calidfornia Drought Summit - Drip Irrigation

Water Technology and The California Drought Summit

On July 10, 2015, Toro Micro-Irrigation was invited by Governor Brown to attend the “Water Technology and The California Drought Summit” at CalEPA headquarters.

The 2015 Summit on Water Technology and the California Drought explored existing and upcoming technologies that can be more broadly deployed to strengthen California’s drought resiliency.

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The Water Zone Radio Show to Focus on Water Issues in California Agriculture

The Water Zone Radio Show, Hosted by Toro Irrigation, to Focus on Water Issues in California Agriculture

This Thursday, September 10th, “The Water Zone” radio show, hosted by Toro, will focus on California’s agricultural industry and efforts to save water amid the historic drought. Guests include Deputy Cabinet Secretary and Senior Advisor to California Governor Edmund G. Brown, Jr., and Manager of the San Luis Canal Company, among others.

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Some Central Valley Farmers looking to Recycled Wastewater

Many California farmers are in a tight spot this summer, because their normal water supplies have dried up with the state’s extreme drought. In the state’s Central Valley, that’s driving some farmers to get creative: They’re looking at buying water from cities — not freshwater, but water that’s already gone down the drain.

The parched conditions in the valley, the state’s farming hub, have been crazy. Actually, “crazy wouldn’t adequately describe what we’re going through here,” says Anthea Hansen, who runs the Del Puerto Water District in the Central Valley. “Having zero water available — we’ve been in survival and crisis mode for literally 24 months now,” she says.

What her district needs, she says, is a reliable supply — something that’s there, drought or no drought.

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