WEBINAR: 2014 California Irrigation Institute (CII) Conference Wrap-Up

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Inge Bisconer, Toro Micro-Irrigation Technical Marketing and Sales ManagerThis year’s 52nd annual CII conference was held January 23-24 in Sacramento, CA and was titled “Building a Water and Energy Efficient California”.  This webinar, led by 2014 conference president Inge Bisconer of Toro Micro-Irrigation, will provide a round-up of topics pertinent to agricultural irrigation that were presented and discussed during the conference opening panel, joint session, and the three agricultural concurrent sessions including, “Remotely Measuring our Progress”, “Ground Level Implementation – Making it Work”, and “Alliances to Improve On-Farm Irrigation Practices.”  If you missed the conference, be sure to register for this webinar to get this year’s agriculture highlights.

Click here to register for the FREE webinar, “2014 California Irrigation Institute (CII) Conference Wrap-Up”.

Date: Friday, May 2, 2014

Time: 10:00AM Pacific / 1:00PM Eastern (60 Minute Session)

Ways to attend: Audio/Visual webinar available online. For audio only, a dial-in telephone number will be provided. If you can’t attend at the above time, the recording, podcast, and other materials will be sent after the webinar. However, to receive the post-event recording/materials you will have to register (so if you can’t attend, register anyway).

About the Presenter:  Inge Bisconer is the Technical Marketing and Sales Manager for Toro Micro-Irrigation in El Cajon, CA. She has worked in production agriculture, co-founded an irrigation consulting firm, and has held various technical, sales, marketing and management positions in the irrigation and water treatment industries over the past 30 years.

Inge holds a BS in agriculture from UC Davis, an MBA in technology management, and most recently authored The Toro Micro-Irrigation Owner’s Manual, a comprehensive guide for both new and existing row, field and permanent crop growers, and Chapter 11, “Micro Irrigation System Fundamentals”, for Irrigation: Sixth Edition, published by the Irrigation Association.

Inge has been a Director for the California Irrigation Institute since 2010 and served as its President for the 2013/2014 term. She is also an Irrigation Association Certified Irrigation Designer (CID) and Landscape Irrigation Auditor (CLIA), and is past-chair of the IA’s Drip/Micro Common Interest Group and it’s Market Development Subcommittee.

Toro Micro-Irrigation pioneered drip irrigation in the 1970’s and now services farmers across the globe. To learn more about Toro, visit http://driptips.toro.com