Veteran Attends Sustainable Agriculture Training Program with the Help of Toro Grant

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Brock N. Selman is currently transitioning out of the military after five years of honorable service and two tours to Afghanistan. With hopes of creating a future in farming, Brock turned to the Veterans Sustainable Agriculture Training (VSAT) program, that trains veterans in not only sustainable agriculture, but also business planning.

According to Brock, “I envision a farm where not only high quality organic food is produced, but also a learning center for the young and old, alike. A place where field trips can teach children where food comes — from and how it’s grown, as well as teaching adults about healthier alternatives to fast food and prepackaged meals at the grocery store.”

In Brock’s opinion, farming is under-appreciated, and he sees Hydroponic farming as the future of conventional farming, in that it provides a healthier means of growing food that require less land and less fuel burning machinery. “Farming is something today’s youth needs to return to,” says Brock. “And I, for one, am excited in what the future may bring while being a hydroponic farmer.”

Brock sees the VSAT program as a huge stepping stone towards the development of his hydroponic farm in San Marcos, CA. Although Brock had to take out a loan in order to attend the program, he felt it was an investment that he had to make. However, with the help of the Armed Services YMCA and the Toro ‘Ready. Set. Grow!’ grant contest, Brock was able to pay back his loan and will be attending VSAT’s six week course on small scale sustainable farming.