New World Water Day episode of The Water Zone Ag this Thursday

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Special World Water Day episode of The Water Zone Ag Thursday, March 22

Tomorrow, March 22, 2018 at 6p.m. PST on The Water Zone Ag Radio Show, tune in for an extra special Ag episode in honor of World Water Day 2018 hosted by agricultural irrigation veterans, Inge Bisconer and Paul McFadden.

World Water Day - Special episode of The Water Zone Ag - Subscribe to The Water Zone Ag Podcast

World Water Day episode of The Water Zone Ag PodcastInge and Paul will host Dr. Glenda Humiston, vice president of the University of California’s Division of Agriculture and Natural Resources.   They’ll discuss the 2018 Farm Bill currently being crafted by Congress, and the implications for California agriculture.  Dr. Humiston will share details of Sustainable California, the University of California’s newly launched media and web initiative.

About Dr. Glenda Humiston

Dr. Glenda Humiston was appointed vice president of the UC Division of Agriculture and Natural Resources Aug. 3, 2015.  Humiston was born in California and raised on a cattle ranch in Colorado, where she was a member of 4-H. She came to UC ANR with more than 25 years of experience working on public policy development and program implementation supporting sustainability. The Water Zone Ag - World Water Day Episode with special guest Dr. Glenda Humiston

She served as a Peace Corps volunteer in Tunisia, as executive director of a nonprofit organization advocating farmland preservation and value-added agriculture development, and several years as a consultant on environmental and agricultural issues throughout the West.   Under President Clinton, Humiston was deputy undersecretary for natural resources and environment at USDA from 1998 to 2001.  She managed the Sustainable Development Institute at the 2002 World Summit for Sustainable Development in South Africa and the 2006 World Water Forum in Mexico City. In 2009, Humiston was appointed by President Obama to serve as the California State Director at the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA), Rural Development.  Humiston produced a widely acclaimed guidebook on “Access to Capital” and has led efforts to bring rural issues to the forefront of the state’s Economic Summit and policymakers throughout California.

Humiston earned her Ph.D. from UC Berkeley in Environmental Science, Policy and Management in 2009 with research focused on U.S. Farm Bill policy.  She has a master’s degree in international agricultural development from UC Davis and a bachelor’s degree in animal science from Colorado State University.

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Listen on-air: NBC News Radio KCAA 1050 AM | KCAA 106.5 FM

The Water Zone Ag

The Water Zone Ag Podcast explores water issues in agriculture and farming from various perspectives to advance the water conversation and build awareness.

The Water Zone Ag Podcast
Learn about water in agriculture from The Toro Company’s agricultural irrigation veterans Inge Bisconer and Paul McFadden. The Water Zone Ag Podcast explores water issues in agriculture and farming from various perspectives to advance the water conversation and build awareness.

Each month, Inge and Paul discuss irrigated agriculture, best practices and solutions to water scarcity and water quality. Hear from featured guests and notable water experts who will offer insights into the complexities of water management.  Urban, rural and environmental interests alike will gain awareness of the water challenges facing farmers.

World Water Day - Special episode of The Water Zone Ag - Subscribe to The Water Zone Ag Podcast

Population growth, environmental demands, climate change, drought, floods and more, have made the role of water in modern agriculture and society more vital now than ever before.

The show can be heard every Thursday at 6 p.m. PST on NBC News Radio KCAA 1050 AM, KCAA 106.5 FM, or listen anytime via The Water Zone Ag Podcast, now available on iTunes and Google Play.